The ecliptic is the imaginary plane that the sun appears to travel upon in the sky above you; stars and planets shift through it. Las Vegas itself is another plane defined by the daily and yearly travels of the sun—an asphalt ecliptic. Astronomy of the Asphalt Ecliptic charts its constellations of celestially-named businesses on a series of existing signs in the Baepler Xeric Garden, calling attention to visible and invisible phenomena in the surrounding city.
Astronomy of the Asphalt Ecliptic | 2017 | a series of five signs installed in existing sign structures in the Baepler Xeric Garden, Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art, University of Nevada Las Vegas | vinyl panels | 18 x 24 inches each
Facing east across Las Vegas
Facing northwest across Las Vegas
Facing southeast across Las Vegas
Facing north across Las Vegas