Litter Landscapes The sky above you at solar noon on the longest day of the year or underneath your feet at night Rock Records This invisible line Struve was an astronomer who looked at the ground This is when the ice sheet ended The terminal moraine is the accumulation of debris at the end of a glacier Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals Cloud Drift Astronomy of the Asphalt Ecliptic Cloud Shadows and Drifting Vapors Beautification This Site Storm King by the Stars Street Signs Became Flags That Mark Mountaintops Visitor Center for Erratic Monuments Views 1-12 Landmarks A sign marks a summit The Work Office (TWO) Mountains in the area have formed over some time Desearía que estuvieras aquí / Wish you were here A summit is a local point of elevation Sidewalk Drawings Public Utility Trail Network Trail Guide Local Landmarks Brooklyn Constellations Big Bang and other theoretical topography Faults Create Mountains Proposals for… One step is 3.6 million miles